About the Ridgway Method (RM)?

RM is a ground breaking method which has been developed by practitioner, Michael Ridgway.  Michael has been a physiotherapist since 1995 and he graduated with a Masters of Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy in 2000.  Michael is considered by many as a leader in innovation within the Physiotherapy field.

The RM course has been a Physiotherapy education course since 2006.  Since its inception RM expansion has been exponential; it is now being taught throughout Australia and New Zealand.  Baroona Physiotherapy in Brisbane, Australia, is very proud to have the first RM Certified Practitioners; and now there are many throughout Australia.

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What is the Ridgway Method?

The Ridgway Method is a way of ‘problem solving’ the underlying cause to a each injury. The RM process assesses the ‘contributing factors’ for your condition prioritise them and then demonstrate to you the results of the treatment within each session.  We aim to give you control over your condition so that you know how to prevent it from returning.

We may still use some more familiar methods for physiotherapy treatments such as joint mobilisations, muscle releases, nerve releases and advanced exercises etc. - and we are able to target these treatments to your condition with greater efficiency and holistic lateral thinking to help ensure the best possible results aren't missed.

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How long will it take to get results?

It’s often possible to notice dramatic results in the first session.  The RM problem solving process continues assessing until 30-50% improvement is made in each session.  For most people, this means total recovery time is shorter.  This means fewer total visits and lower overall cost.  Once these results occur we outline a time-frame for recovery and indicate how many treatments sessions, and how rapidly you are likely to recovery fully.  For the majority of conditions this is 2-8 sessions within 2 weeks.

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Why don’t you ask me about my pain to solve the problem?

The goal during a session is to demonstrate an improvement in your ability to do your everyday activities.  Your Physio may ask you ‘What activities does this interfere with or stop you from doing?’ For example, maybe your pain or stiffness makes it difficult to turn your head to reverse the car or move your body for a golf swing.  

We may also ask you to rate how well you currently do the task e.g. ‘I’m at about 60%’ 

Please note: Heaven for us is when you bring a list of activities or movements you are having difficulty with that your pain, or symptoms, restrict you with.

We may also ask you ‘What is a good result for you?’  Asking these questions often makes it easier for you to target your results and notice the improvements both during and after a session.

Symptoms such as pain often continue to improve for up to 4 days after a treatment.

During each session, your Physio will encourage you to move only to where it is comfortable.

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Why are you sometimes not ‘treating’ the bit that hurts?

The analogy we use here is the ‘sore bit’ is like the ‘warning light’ on the dash board of your car.   Treating the ‘sore bit’ doesn’t always work that well in the long run any more than just covering up the warning light.  We aim to ‘get under the hood’ and demonstrate to you that treating all the contributing factors improves your movement and your body function. The ‘warning light’ such as pain tends to turn off when the ‘engine’ is running well.

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What is a PCF?

This is the PRIMARY Contributing Factor. This is the ‘structure in your body’ that, when treated, achieves your dramatic results.  When the PCF is identified your recovery is accelerated, whereby you get results within 2 weeks. Over the first few sessions we will be searching for areas in your body which may be contributing to your problem.  Please note, being thorough at this stage, saves time in the long run.

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What exercise and activities can I do?

Looking after your ‘PCF’ (see above) is the best way to speed your recovery and prevent the problem from returning.  We may ask you to modify some activities for a short time.  Only in rare cases do we recommend short times of avoiding activity.  In most cases we recommend you do as much activity as possible while doing your best to look after your PCF – we show you how to do this.   We aim to demonstrate how exercise improves your movement and your condition.  This will usually be your ‘homework’.

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Why is an improvement of 85% so important?

At 85% your condition is usually more stable and less aggravated by day to day activities.  Therefore, this is where we want to get you as quickly as possible.  We may ask you to return to see us quite quickly for the first few sessions.  When you have improved to 85% it is usually ok to introduce more demanding activities and see us less often.

If, after your treatment has finished you happen to drop below the 85% mark, it is a good ‘trigger’ to come and see us for a ‘check up’ so we can get things back on track.

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Does the Ridgway Method always work?

We’re getting great results for the vast majority of our clients with this method. Where we don’t see rapid results or they aren’t maintained, it sometimes means we need to consider other options.  For example, maybe we need imaging to check things out.  Maybe a referral to a Medical Specialist might help?  Some clients come in to trial a course of Physio before considering surgery.

Three or four treatments in less than one week is usually enough to know whether this process is going to achieve dramatic results for you.  With traditional Physiotherapy getting to this stage often takes much longer (averaging ~two-three months).

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Why is progress slower for me?

We ask you to allow at least 3 to 4 session to assess whether the treatment is working for you.  There are a few things that can slow progress a little.  For example, some conditions have multiple contributing factors may take longer to find the cause.  Other conditions occur at unpredictable times and are more challenging to demonstrate an improvement until after the session.  We will let you know if any are likely to apply to you.  These challenges are rare and are made clear to you if this is the case.

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Are there any side effects?

Is not unusual to feel some soreness or a bruised feeling around the treatment point.  This is not damage, and at worst is usually superficial skin capillaries that may break and show a shallow bruise.  Occasionally, clients have short term (a few minutes) responses such as slight dizziness or nausea as the area is treated.  Some people report feeling a bit ‘washed out’ or tired following a session.  These are all normal and temporary responses and sometimes part of dramatic improvements in conditions.  Just let your Physiotherapist know if you experience any unusual symptoms.  The key point to remember is that the worse a condition is, the more 'reactive' the underlying cause can be.  Most people are so appreciative of having their underlying cause found - and dramatic results occur - that they welcome these side-effects as indicators of being on the best track for solving their condition.

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Can anyone benefit?


The Importance Of Tune Ups:  It is most common to re-accumulate strain and tension with daily life, work or sporting activities; and sometimes occasionally feel a bit stiff or sore.  Rather than waiting until it’s too late and suffer a full flare up, we highly recommend our tune ups to keep you in good condition. A new sport or activity can require a new level of performance from our body.  This is also the ideal time for a tune up

Time For A Check-up or Enhancement:  We don’t want to be seeing you every week for months on end.  After we teach you to look after your condition for yourself it is good to see you once every 3 to 6 months for a check up.  We check your contributing factors and most clients leave feeling ‘looser’ and with a greater sense of well being.  Often clients say ‘I can’t remember the last time I felt so good!’

For People With Flare ups: Some of us have one or two conditions in our body that flare up and interfere with our daily activities.  Our goal is to prevent these flare ups or at least make you aware of the signs before it interferes with your daily life. (See 85% ‘Rule’)

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How do I make sure that progress is as fast as possible?

Once it is identified, look after your PCF and avoid aggravating activities until your body is ready. Do your homework and notice any daily activities or movements which aren’t yet 100% (Make a list)  Aim to pay attention and be involved in the treatment session.  Talk to us, we like feedback from you, both ‘good’ and ‘bad’. It is together that we can make a difference in your life.

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Auchenflower QLD 4066